- Prof. Eduardo Ledesma and Prof. Pilar Martínez Quiroga have both been selected to receive 2025 Summer Faculty Fellowships from the Humanities Research Institute (HRI). HRI’s Summer Faculty Fellowships "are designed to help faculty at the University of...
- 2025-02-16 - Congratulations to graduate student, Ilaria Strocchia, who has been named one of the 2025-2026 Humanities Research Institute Graduate Student Fellows for this year's theme, "Story and Place." Congratulations, Ilaria!
- 2025-02-04 - Prof. José Ignacio Hualde has been honored with a two-volume festschrift, Jose Ignazio Hualderen Omenez: Ikerketak Fonologiaz eta Diakroniaz. The festschrift was edited by Julen Manterola, Joseba Lakarra, and Gorka Elordieta and was published in the Annuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca “Julio...
- 2024-12-05 - Congratulations to Prof. Melissa Bowles on the publication of her co-authored book (with Eve Zyzik) ...
- 2024-11-25 - Congratulations to Prof. Eduardo Ledesma on the publication of his book Expanding Cinemas: Experimental Filmmaking Across the Luso-Hispanic Atlantic Since 1960 (Suny Press, 2024). This is the first book on experimental cinemas of Latin American and Spain to...
- 2024-11-22 - Congratulations to graduate student, Lorena Alarcón, who has received a SLATE Doctoral Dissertation Grant to support her dissertation project, titled "Social justice in language assessment: A validation study to examine...
- 2024-10-16 - On September 10, the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences celebrated the investiture of Silvina Montrul as Marjorie Roberts Professor in Liberal Arts & Sciences. The Marjorie Roberts Professorship in Liberal Arts & Sciences recognizes academic excellence along with community and inclusivity. It was established after...
- 2024-10-11 - Congratulations to graduate student Sara Castró Cantú, who has been awarded the Elizabeth Pine Dayton Award, which is a travel award intended to enable graduate students pursuing topics in sociolinguistics to attend the Linguistics Society of America (LSA) Annual Meeting. Sara's research examines the sociolinguistics of...
- 2024-09-16 - Prof. Mónica García Blizzard is the recipient of a 2024 International Latino Book Award Honorable Mention for her book, The White Indians of Mexican Cinema: Racial Masquerade throughout the Golden Age. Congratulations, Mónica!
- 2024-09-16 - Prof. Mariselle Meléndez has been featured in a number of venues across campus, including an LAS story showcasing faculty in Humanities (https://las.illinois.edu/news/2024-08-26/summers-study). It has made big headlines around the campus, appearing not...
- 2024-09-16 - Senior Academic Advisor, Brady Hughes, was featured in the most recent LAS Dean's newsletter in a staff spotlight piece that showcases not only his work with Spanish majors and minors but also his recent MA in musicology and his ongoing research toward his PhD in musicology on Spanish theater: ...
- 2024-09-07 - Assistant Director of Introductory Spanish Michelle Dutton was awarded 2024 SLCL Summer Fellowship for Specialized Faculty, for her project, “Why do Midwestern university students study Spanish?: A qualitative study exploring Ideal L2 Selves, Rooted L2 Selves, and Investment." Director of Introductory...
- 2024-09-07 - Director of Undergraduate Studies Ann Abbott was selected by the University of Illinois System for the 2024-25 cohort of OpEd/Public Voices Fellowship! It will provide her and 19 other faculty members from all three U of I System universities with an opportunity to work with professional journalists...
- 2024-08-27 - Congratulations to graduate student Jonathan Pye, who has won the Helmut Esau Award for best graduate student paper at the recent conference of the Linguistic Association of the Southwest (LASSO) for his paper, entitled "British Latino: Investigating discourse-stylistic variables and the construction of persona within...
- 2024-07-21 - Congratulations to Prof. Salvatore Callesano, who has been awarded a Health Disparities Research LRP from the National Institutes of Health's (NIH) National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD). His project is titled "Investigating the Relationship between Dialect Variation and the Social Determinants...