Contact Information
4024 Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics Building
707 S. Mathews Ave. | MC-176
Urbana, IL 61801
707 S. Mathews Ave. | MC-176
Urbana, IL 61801
PhD Student in Spanish Linguistics
Teaching Assistant
I am an international and first-generation student coming from Colombia.
Research Interests
- Speech Perception and Production
- Sociolinguistics
- Second Language Acquisition
- Hispanic American Literature
- Ph.D. Student in Spanish Linguistics - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (In course)
- M.A. in Spanish Linguistics and Literature - San Diego State University (2023)
- B.Ed. in Foreign Languages English & French - Santiago de Cali University (2020)
- A.S. in Software Programming - Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (2014)
- A.S. in Computer Science - San Francisco de Asis School (2014)
- GradCert. in College Teaching - San Diego State University (2022)
- GradCert. in Didactics of Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language - Del Valle University (2018)
Courses Taught
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2024-present):
- Spanish 122 - Intensive Beginner Spanish
- Spanish 303 - Sounds of Spanish
High Tech High International & Media Arts (2022-2024):
- ELPAC Exam Preparation
San Diego State University (2021-2023):
- Spanish 101 - Beginner Spanish
- Spanish 102 - Beginner Spanish
- Spanish 201 - Intermediate Spanish
Lacordaire Bilingual School (2020-2021):
- English Lab
- English Storytelling
- FCE Cambridge Exam Preparation
Baselang Spanish Institute (2020):
- Spanish as a Foreign Language
- DELE Exam Preparation
Additional Campus Affiliations
- The Social Dynamics of Language Variation and Change Reading Group
- The Phonetics and Phonology Forum
- The Intensive English Institute
Recent Publications
- Muñoz, E. S. R. (2024). Parodias postmodernistas, fantásticas y carnavalescas: la figura de la máscara en Noticias del Imperio. Interpretextos revista semestral de creación y divulgación de las humanidades (Colima), 1(1), 159-176.
- Schmidt,Lauren; Rodriguez, Edwin; Vargas Carolina; and Cassio, Alexa (Submitted and accepted). Perception of Spanish Diphthong /ei/ by L2 and HS students of Spanish: Findings from Two Perception Tasks. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics.