Office of the Vice Chancellor for DIVERSITY, EQUITY and INCLUSION
The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diviersity, Equity and Inclusion is responsible for for issues pertaining to:
- Affirmative Action Plan: to facilitate compliance with the policies and procedures of the University's Affirmative Action Plan by designing systems to report and measure the effectiveness of various programs
- Americans with Disabilities Act: Doing What Can Be Done to Make Our Campus Accessible Friendly
- Community Outreach: The outreach mission of the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Access is to provide leadership by facilitating compliance and promoting an inclusive community through diversity, education, and outreach initiatives. Through our programs, campus, and community partnerships; we are able to serve as a campus and community resource that encourages equality for underrepresented populations
- Complaints and Grievances: to investigate and handle complaints of alleged discrimination on the basis of applicable Federal and State civil rights laws when a complaint has been filed internally or with an outside agency
- Resources: to serve as an informational resource for State of Illinois legislators, the University of Illinois Board of Trustees, University administrators, University faculty, staff, students, and the public
- Training and Education: for faculty, staff, and students on diversity sensitivity, harassment prevention and other related programs
There are several additional resources on campus to further the goals set forth in the campus diversity statement.
Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Relations
The Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Relations, part of Student Affairs at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is dedicated to recruiting and retaining underrepresented students, diversity education, civic engagement, and fostering the leadership skills necessary to develop global citizens. OIIR’s initiatives aim to support all students across campus, and approximately 20,000 students each year receive services or attend programs through OIIR.
In addition to our Diversity & Social Justice Education unit, OIIR includes six cultural and resource centers (below). OIIR also has programs, such as the 5 Days for Change cultural competence training, the Multiracial & Multiethnic Student Initiative, and the Native American Peer Mentoring program.
- FREE! Lunch On Us Calendar every weekday during the academic year, join OIIR for FREE lunch at one of the Centers below, and learn something new.
Since its founding in 1974, La Casa Cultural Latina has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to Latina/o students and the campus community, as well as local and global communities. La Casa reflects the diversity of Latina/o cultures and exemplifies el éxito Latino that shapes the Americas in our contemporary world. The mission of La Casa Cultural Latina is to promote a welcoming and dynamic atmosphere through the development of educational, cultural, socio-political, and social programs that lead to greater recruitment, retention, advancement, and empowerment of Latina/o students.
Gender & Sexuality Resource Center
Bruce D. Nesbitt African American Cultural Center
Asian American Cultural Center
Salaam Middle East & North Africa Cultural Center