Why not consider Portuguese and Brazilian Studies as a (Double) Major or (Double) Minor?

Undergraduate students can pursue either a Major or a Minor in Portuguese. Portuguese can also be used to fulfill foreign language requirements as well as FLAS language and culture requirements.

If you already know or are studying Spanish or any other Romance language, Portuguese should be the next language you learn. Many employers desire candidates that speak both Spanish and Portuguese.

We are currently revising our undergraduate curriculum. If the Portuguese language or Brazilian studies interest you, we encourage you to also consider studying abroad as the coursework could count towards the major and minor.

Please contact the Portuguese undergraduate advisor, John Tofik Karam, at karam@illinois.edu with any questions or comments..


Procedure to Approve Study Abroad Courses

If you plan on studying abroad in Brazil or another Portuguese-speaking country or are seeking more information about transferring study abroad credit to U of I, please contact the Portuguese undergraduate advisor, John Tofik Karam.  To apply for a Lemann Center scholarship to study abroad in Brazil, click here. For more information on study abroad credit transfer in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, click here.