What have been the political and cultural relations between Spain and Latin America in recent years? From a transatlantic perspective, we will explore key issues in Hispanic culture today through the study of literature, film, art, and music. Topics to be discussed include national identity; diversity, race, and ethnicity; immigration; colonialism and neocolonialism, dictatorship and democracy; feminism, modernity, and globalization. The selected materials will include texts by authors like María Fernanda Ampuero, Icíar Bollain, Luis Cernuda, Cristina Peri Rossi, Las Tesis, Remedios Varo, among others. Taught in Spanish.
Prerequisites 228
Section F: T/R: 11:00AM - 12:20PM; 156 English Building; CRN 49963.
Instructor: Pilar Martínez-Quiroga