This course explores how cinema produced in the United States and Mexico, from the silent period to the contemporary moment has mediated and commented on the presence of Mexicans in what is today the U.S., as well as the migratory experience. Because cinema is an industrial art form, we will examine the impact of social, historical, and political conditions as well as the impact of global economic structures on cinema throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. Students will acquire knowledge of the periods of US and Mexican cinema history and a familiarity with critical approaches to the subject matter. Students will also develop the capacity to speak and write about film analysis in both narrative and technical terms. Students will produce weekly posts, 2 short essays, and a final paper. Course materials contain a combination of Spanish and English, and class will be conducted in Spanish. This course is crosslisted with Latino/a Studies as LLS 296. Those taking this course as LLS students may submit written work in English.
M/W/F 10:00 - 10:50 in 1024 LCL;
CRN: 79680
prerequisites: SPAN 228 or consent of instructor
Instructor: Mónica García Blizzard