The course will explore the politics, emotions and aesthetics of change in the context of modern and contemporary Spanish culture.
“Change” will be understood in a broad sense, including conversion, metamorphosis, revolution, exchange, substitution or deviation. Particular attention will be paid to the (subjective and collective) effects of affects. We will also explore how change is encoded, promoted and/ or opposed in selected literary works of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, as well as in political/cultural debates in the news and social media. The theoretical framework for the course will include works by Walter Benjamin, Raymond Williams, Antonio Gramsci, Jacques Rancière, Chantal Mouffe, Lauren Berlant, Sara Ahmed, Martha Nussbaum, Manuel Castells and Beatriz Sarlo. NB. The class will be taught in Spanish or English, depending on enrollments.
Spring 2018. Mondays, 3:00-5:50 PM. G24 FLB