SPAN 232 - SPRING 2020

In this service-learning course, you will learn with and from local Latinx immigrants as you volunteer two hours each week with a local organization that serves our immigrant community.
Time in the classroom focuses on immigration policies, life in the “new Latino diaspora” and the headlines about immigration in the US.
*Fulfills the US Minority cultures gen ed requirement. The course is taught in Spanish; anyone who grew up speaking Spanish at home (heritage learners) and/or has taken four years of high school Spanish can join the course and succeed.
- CRN 35295 T/R 11:00 – 11:50 316N Mumford Hall
- CRN 47952 T/R 12:30 – 1:20 G24 Foreign Languages Building
- CRN 43286 M/W 3:00 – 3:50 336 Davenport Hall
You will schedule your own volunteer time.
Prof. Ann Abbott,, 4006 FLB