Spanish Reading proficiency exam for graduate students in other programs

This exam is intended to meet the Graduate College’s requirement of reading proficiency in a foreign language.

The exam is administered individually and takes two hours to complete. It consists of an academic text, written in Spanish, selected from your discipline (broadly defined) by the Director of Graduate Studies. You must complete a translation into English of the abstract and a selected excerpt from the text (total not to exceed 1000 words) using only a Spanish-English dictionary. No internet resources or other materials are allowed.

Results are communicated by email to the student, the student’s advisor, and the Director of Graduate Studies in the student’s home unit, typically within 2 days of the exam.

If you are interested in setting up a Spanish reading proficiency exam, or if you have questions about the exam, please contact the Director of Graduate Studies at In your message, please indicate your area of research specialization and your availability for a two-hour block of time in the next two weeks.