SPAN 433 - SPRING 2024

An introduction to Hispanic/Latinx sociolinguistics, studying language variation and change, attitudes/ideologies, indexicality, language, race, and power, and more. The course will begin with discussions of why we study sociolinguistics and how we can use our research towards efforts in diversity, equity, and inclusion. From there the course will take a step back and introduce students to the field’s history, starting with variationist practices moving into questions of performance and indexicality. We will then practice quantitative analyses of linguistic data using R. Afterwards, we will dive into linguistic ideologies and language attitudes, which will set the stage for our final few weeks on what happens when languages/dialects come into contact, how globalization and mediatization are understood in sociolinguistic terms, and how computational tools can be used to answer sociolinguistic questions. This is a mixed graduate and undergraduate course.

T/R 9:30 – 10:50am, 1024 Lincoln Hall

CRN 49967 (G4) and 49966 (U3)

Instructor: Salvatore Callesano