SPAN 468 - SPRING 2024
This introductory, graduate-level course on Latin American cinema familiarizes students with the three fundamental areas of expertise that shape scholarship in the field: 1) the techniques of filmic analysis; 2) film theory; and 3) the history of film production in the region from the silent period through contemporary cinema. This overview will both consider Latin America’s filmic production as a triangulated phenomenon with respect to production in the US and Europe, as well as interrogate its national and regional implications. Students will produce 2 written papers, article summaries, and an oral presentation.
The course will be conducted in Spanish, but alternative arrangements are possible upon consulting with the professor.
T/TH 9:30-10:50 AM; 123 English Building
CRN 54430: (sect. G4) (graduate)
CRN 54331: (sect. U3) (undergraduate)
Instructor: Mónica García Blizzard