Contact Information
707 S. Mathews Ave. | MC-176
Urbana, IL 61801
Office Hours
Office Hours: W 1:00-2:00 a.m. and by Appointment
Research Interests
- Crossdressing in Literature and Film
- 20th-21st Century Latin American & Caribbean Film & Literature
- Gender and Woman Studies
- Monster Theory
- Performance Theory and Practices
- 16th & 17th Century Spanish Theater
Research Description
My interests of research revolve around crossdressing and the social effects/cultural changes executed and provoked by the subject who crossdress and the representation constructed by them to naviagte and appropiate spaces. I concentrate my research on Latin American/Caribbean literature and film. With a transatlantic gaze I examine the cultural, historial and artistic representation of crossdressing starting in the Barroque and crossing over the XX-XXI productions of Art, historical fiction, narrative and theater having crossdressers as the main character, analyze them through the lenses of abjection, transgression and destabilization theories.
- Ph.D. in Spanish Literature & Culture, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Campus (In Progress)
- M.A. in Spanish, Ohio University, Athens Campus
- M.A. in Creative Writing in Spanish, University of The Sacred Heart, Puerto Rico
- B.A. in Theater, University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus
- Department of Spanish & Portuguese Summer Research Scholarship 2024
Awards and Honors
- HRI Interseminar Graduate Fellowship / Andrew Mellon Foundation 2022-23 (First Cohort)
- SPI Pre-doctoral Summer Program 2021
Courses Taught
- SPAN 248 Latin American and Latinx Film
- SPAN 228 Composition
- SPAN 200 Reading Hispanic Texts
- SPAN 130 Intermediate Spanish
Additional Campus Affiliations
- Gender and Women Studies Department (Minor)
- Inner Voices Devising Theater Group UIUC
External Links
Highlighted Publications
(2023) Martínez, Ramón E. (Ray). et. Imagine Otherwise: Speculation in the Americas. Excerpt of novel Vacío. Chapter 1 and 2. Book Collaboration, Sept., pp. 197-212.
(2020) Martínez, Ramón E. Fuego Cruzado: Antología Épica, Crossfire: Epic Anthology. Edited by Dr. Amado Lascar. Translation of poems: “El poeta” by Samuel Gregoire (Haití, 1983) “A propósito de los 4 Sonetos del Apocalipsis” “Infinito Periódico” “Poética” “Canto de Guerrero” “Kiñe Troy” “Río de Cisnes” by Paulo Huirimilla (Chile, 1973), Published. Sept.
(2020) Martínez Ramón E. (Ray) “La Madelón como ejemplificación del fracaso de la Transición Española en Una mala noche la tiene cualquiera de Eduardo Mendicutti” Revista Phrónesis, Vol. 1, Oct–Dic. pp.34-41.
(2013) Martí-Díaz Ramón (Pen name) Fiction Short Story. “Con la mar de testigo” Letras Salvajes, Temático: Lo Queer, Digital Cultural and Literature Magazine. No. 12, Sept.- Oct., pp.77-81.
Recent Publications