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Liliana Lule

Profile picture for Liliana Lule

Contact Information

4022 Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics Building
707 S. Mathews Ave. | MC-176
Urbana, IL 61801

Office Hours

Fall 2024: Thursday, 1-3pm.
Graduate Student

Research Interests

Latinidad in the U.S. and abroad, Identity formation processes, Issues of citizenship, Migration, Abolition and incarceration, Ethnography

Research Description

My work considers the intersection of geographic location and identity, calling upon theorists Gloria Anzaldúa, José David Saldívar, and Stuart Hall to analyze the reconfiguration of space in defining immigrant populations outside of traditional cultural enclaves. 


MFA in Creative Writing, Emerson College

MA in Latin American and Caribbean Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

BS in Latin American, Caribbean, and Iberian Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Courses Taught

Teaching assistant:

GS 295: Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program

LAST 170: Introduction to Latin American Studies

SPAN 130: Intermediate Spanish

Instructor of record:

LAST 170: Introduction to Latin American Studies

LAST 395: Latin American Insurgencies [EJP for-credit course]

LLS 100: Introduction to Latina/Latino Studies

LLS 279/HIST 279: Mexican American History

LLS 355/AAS 355/SOC 355: Race and Mixed Race

LLS/AAS/AIS/ENGL/GWS 357: Literatures of the Displaced

LLS 390: Independent Study

LLS 392/GWS 392/SOC 392: Chicanas & Latinas: Self and Society

Additional Campus Affiliations

Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS)

Education Justice Project (EJP)

Unit for Criticism & Interpretive Theory

Highlighted Publications

Lule, Liliana. 2023. “‘Wherever I go I carry home on my back’: notions of belonging in Ana Castillo’s Sapogonia.” MidAmerica XLX.