Contact Information
3133 Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics Building
707 S. Mathews Ave. | MC-176
Urbana, IL 61801
707 S. Mathews Ave. | MC-176
Urbana, IL 61801
Office Hours
Fall 2024: T : 1-2pm and
Zoom (by appointment)
Zoom (by appointment)
Graduate Student
Teaching Assistant
- Ph.D. Spanish, Literature and Culture, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (in progress)
- M.A. Spanish, San José State University
- B.A. Spanish, San José State University
- Minor Portuguese, San José State University
Courses Taught
- SPAN 326: Central American Cultural Studies (Fall 2024)
- SPAN 248: Latin American Diaspora through Film (Spring 2023, Spring 2024)
- SPAN 142: Spanish in the Professions (Spring 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2023)
- SPAN 130: Intermediate Spanish (Fall 2021)
- LLS 242: Introduction to Latina/o Literature (Grader) (Spring 2024)
- LLS 100: Introduction to Latina/o Studies (Fall 2023, Fall 2024)
- SPAN 1A Elementary Spanish (SJSU)
- SPAN 1B Elementary Spanish (SJSU)
Recent Publications
Morales Pérez, Gerson. Review of Unholy Trinity: State, Church, and Film in Mexico, by Rebecca Janzen. Hispanófila, vol. 201, 2024, p. 231-233. Project MUSE, https://dx.doi.org/10.1353/hsf.2024.a937340.