Contact Information
707 S. Mathews Ave. | MC-176
Urbana, IL 61801
Daniel has an M.A. in Spanish Language, Literature, and Culture from Syracuse University (Syracuse, 2019) and a B.A. in Literature from Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Caracas, Venezuela, 2016.) In Venezuela, Daniel worked as an editor at Fundación Biblioteca Ayacucho. Among the books Daniel edited were: Crónicas de El Dorado, Col. Ayacucho Mínima; Estela by Émeric Bergeaud, and Obra escogida by Aimé Cesaire, Col. Clásica. Currently, Daniel is starting his fourth year in his Ph.D. of Philosophy in Spanish, Literature, and Culture at UIUC. His research interests are focused on Venezuelan and Brazilian contemporary literature (20th and 21st century), specifically Self-representation discourses (mostly testimonies) and trauma studies. Daniel likes to do outdoor activities and write short stories in his free time.
Research Interests
- Latin American Contemporary Literature
- Identity in Latin America
- Contemporary Latino Cultural Representations in the U.S.
- Women and Gender representations in Literature and Cultural Productions
- Self-Representation discourses in Latin American Literature
- Testimonial literature in Latin America
- Testimonial discourses in Latin America
- Critical Race Studies
- Decolonialism
Currently: Ph.D. Candidate in Doctor of Philosophy in Spanish, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
May 15, 2019: M.A. in Spanish Language, Literature and Culture, Syracuse University.
2016: B.A. in Literature, Andres Bello Catholic University.
Other studies:
2016: Creative Writing: The Craft of Plot. Coursera Course Certificates, License HRMX2UGA6DNF. https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/certificate/HRMX2UGA6DNF
2016: Creative Writing: The Craft of Setting and Description. Coursera Course Certificates, License WFV43KNNTMPV
2016: Creative Writing: The Craft of Character. Coursera Course Certificates, License XNEY9DKVH862
2016: Creative Writing: The Craft of Style. Coursera Course Certificates, License NR4R3TYWKZU6
Future Professoriate Program Stipend, Syracuse University, 2019.
Spanish and Portuguese Summer Graduate Fellowship, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2021.
Lemann Graduate Fellowship, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2021-2022.
Awards and Honors
Certificate of Advance Study in Latin America and the Caribbean at The Maxwell School, Syracuse University, 2019.