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Alumni Ander Beristain, recipient of Morris Halle Memorial Award for Faculty Excellence in Phonology

Our alumni graduate student (Ph.D, 2022) and now Assistant Professor of Spanish and Linguistics at Saint Louis University, Prof. Ander Beristain has been awarded the Morris Halle Memorial Award for Faculty Excellence in Phonology. First established in 2021, the Morris Halle Award for Faculty Excellence in Phonology was designed to award outstanding scholarship in phonology by an early career faculty member in linguistics. The Halle Award and Fromkin Prize Committee unanimously decided to recognize Ander Beristain as the new recipient of the Morris Halle Memorial Award for Faculty Excellence in Phonology Award in 2025. Ander’s work addresses second and heritage language phonology and has found that bilingual speakers possess two physiological segment-timing systems. Congratulations, Ander!