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Class Schedule - Spring 2025

PORT 150 - Writing Brazilians into the U.S.

Explores ethnic and race relations, gendered and sexualized asymmetries, and class inequities for Brazilians in the US through an interdisciplinary approach grounded in anthropology, cultural studies, and ethnic studies. Students will learn how Brazilian identity in the US is not uniform or static, but rather historically contingent, plural, and contested, and how migrants and their descendants shape "minority" as well as "majority" categories in the US.

PORT 199 - Undergraduate Open Seminar

Approved for letter and S/U grading. May be repeated.

PORT 400 - Intensive Beginning Portuguese

Accelerated language learning course designed for beginners, equivalent to two semesters. Early emphasis on production skills; comprehension-based skills will be introduced in rapid succession. Course designed for speakers and non-speakers of Romance languages. Some focus on those linguistics structures specific to Portuguese which differ significantly from equivalents in other Romance languages. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours.

PORT 401 - Intensive Intermediate Portuguese

Continued development of reading, writing and conversational skills. Completion of this course fulfills the third-semester level of Portuguese language instruction. Followed by PORT 402 or PORT 403, this course fulfills the fourth-semester level of Portuguese language instruction. 4 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite: PORT 400 (formerly 201) or consent of instructor.

PORT 402 - Advanced Grammar

The study of the structure of modern Portuguese in both its phonological and syntactic aspects for the student who already has a functional command of the language, with emphasis on developing ability to analyze and interpret grammatical structures. 3 undergraduate hours. 3 graduate hours. Prerequisite: PORT 401 (formerly 202) or consent of instructor.

PORT 404 - Studies in Luso-Brazilian Culture

Affords a broad understanding of Luso-Brazilian civilization and culture. May be offered in English (no prerequisites) or Portuguese (see prerequisite statement). See section description for details on the language of instruction each semester. 3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. May be repeated if topics vary. Prerequisite: If taught in Portuguese: PORT 403 (former 320) or equivalent or consent of instructor.

PORT 460 - Principles of Language Testing

Same as EIL 460, EPSY 487, FR 460, GER 460, ITAL 460, and SPAN 460. See EIL 460.

PORT 489 - Theoretical Foundations of SLA

Same as FR 481, GER 489, ITAL 489, LING 489 and SPAN 489. See LING 489.

PORT 588 - Sem Second Lang Learn

Same as EALC 588, FR 588, GER 588, ITAL 588, LING 588, and SPAN 588. See SPAN 588.

PORT 595 - Special Topics Port & Braz Lit

Independent study/research under the direction of a faculty member. May or may not fulfill requirements for a particular degree program in Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. Consult graduate advisor. May be repeated in same or subsequent terms to a maximum of 8 hours.

PORT 599 - Thesis Research

Approved for S/U grading only. May be repeated.